Assalamualaikum. Post harini mungkin agak berbeza dengan post aku yang sebelum ni. This is just my random thoughts, how sick our society is when it comes to mental health. Aku dah lama sebenarnya nak post pasal ni, but i need to aware that this might be sensitive to some people. Tapi aku nak jugaaa create awareness about our mental health issues. Mungkin benda ni tak banyak muncul dekat social media, atau mungkin orang awam (especially moms and dads) kurang ambil berat masalah mental anak-anak. But this thing is real. Setiap kali orang mengadu dekat soc med pasal masalah yang diorang hadapi, sampai lead to depression, rata-rata comment cakap nak attention lah, atau pun kurang amalan (solat, sedekah etc). Please, break the stigma. Setiap orang lain dugaan dan ujian yang Allah bagi. Mungkin kita nampak orang tu happy je, senyum, tapi dalam hati dia kita tak tahu. Apa yang dia tengah struggle, kita tak tahu. Tu sebab tolong, tolong tanya khabar kawan-kawan korang. Especially bila korang tengok dia dah start jauhkan diri dari society. Kita kena kenal diri kita sendiri, you know, bila rasa macam ada something tak kena, cepat-cepat seek for a treatment okay? Aku suka ayat salah sorang lecturer aku ni, "words, actions and hearts should be handled with care. For words when spoken, actions when taken and hearts when broken are the hardest to repair". So people, please aware each and every word and action you do to someone. Tahu tak, 2 out of 5 people might have anxiety, 1 out of 5 people might have depression and 1 out of 10 people might have stress in Malaysia (according to NHMS 2017, State of Adolescents' mental health in Malaysia). So, aku nak bagi brief explanation pasal mental health problem yang common. Dan aku akan include sekali link untuk further information.
Btw, those yang perlukan pertolongan, korang boleh click link ni :
They have emotional support for everyday, 24 hours. Free je, just call the number, 603-79568145. Paling penting, semua maklumat dirahsiakan.
It's time for our society to have the knowledge about various types of mental health problem.
1) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety is quite common nowadays. Key word is "worry". We all have anxiety. Tipu lahh kalau kau hidup without worrying anything. Semua orang ada benda yang diorang risau, be it your financial problem, family problem or even relationship problem. It is a normal emotion and a powerful motivator. Tapi, apa yang buatkan benda jadi a bit complicated bila someone ada excessive anxiety and worry about their daily life events with no obvious reasons to worry, dan benda ni really affecting your daily life. Dan key word kat sini is "excessive worry". Patients with GAD have persistent, excessive anxiety and hyperarousal for at least 6 months.
So, apa yang buatkan seseorang tu ada GAD?
A) Faktor genetik. Kalau one of your family members ada anxiety, chance for you to have an anxiety is there. But, this is not solely the main risk factor.
B) Faktor "neurotransmitters" yang tak seimbang dekat bahagian brain kita. Specifically, GABA, serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Semua neurotransmitter ni mostly play a role dalam modulate our mood. Alaaa aku campur cakap english-malay tau sebab susah nak explain dalam satu bahasa je. Kalau tak balance level, boleh trigger certain mental health problem and one of it adalah GAD ni lah. Dan ubat akan acts it's mechanism of action dalam mengawal neurotransmitter dekat otak kita.
C) Environmental factor. Hat ni memang very common factor. It can be from your financial problem, trauma, abuse, ataupun stress dari tempat kerja, ataupun kehilangan orang yang tersayang, ataupun risaukan masalah keluarga, anak-anak (SO ANAK-ANAK JANGAN BAGI STRESS DEKAT PARENTS, AND PARENTS SHOULD DO THE SAME OKAY).
D) Aku nak highlight kan juga, ada certain substance yang addictive macam alcohol, nicotine dan caffeine boleh menyebabkan GAD. Yang ni kita panggil "withdrawal symptoms". Dan ada certain health condition macam hyperthyroidism can cause anxiety.
Grounding method for Panic attack.
- Korang boleh refer dekat link ni for more information :
- Refer link ni untuk DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for GAD :
- Boleh refer link ni juga untuk info pasal panic attack vs. anxiety attack :
PLEASE, if you started to have these symptoms, please consult a doctor. The doctor might prescribe you with panic attack medication macam Xanax.
2) Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest, and of course, it affects your daily life. You literally feel sadness out of nowhere. When you wake up, you feel fatigue, takde mood langsung nak hidup, tiba-tiba rasa takde sesiapa (you know what I mean), hopeless, tak berminat dah dengan hobi-hobi sebelum ni dan start jauhkan diri dari society. You can't concentrate well, susah nak focus dekat sesuatu perkara. Dan one of common symptoms is insomnia. Setiap malam cuba nak tidur, tapi tak boleh, and you end up wake up with puffy eyes. Basically MDD ada 3 main stage, mild MDD, moderate MDD dan severe MDD. And most frequent complication is suicide. Some conditions boleh lead to depression, contohnya ada sakit Alzheimer's, parkinson, even menopause can cause depression. And of course, environmental factor yang macam aku mention before ni. So, how long does a doctor takes to diagnose a depression? Only 2 weeks. Symptoms occur everyday for at least 2 weeks, according to DSM-5. So, ask yourself, for the past two weeks, how do you feel about yourself? Do you have any of these symptoms? Please, seek help from right people. You can try to consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist. And trust me, the sooner you overcome the problem, the better outcome you can expect from it. It helps a lot for your recovery process.
- Refer link ni untuk DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for depression :
- Boleh refer link ni untuk info lebih lanjut :
3) Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder basically ada dua, Bipolar disorder I and Bipolar disorder II. Bipolar disorder I is defined by manic episodes that last at least 7 days, or the manic symptoms is so severe that requires immediate hospital care. And depressive episode occur at least 2 weeks after that. Bipolar disorder II pun ada dua episode, manic and depressive episodes tapi manic state tak severe macam Bipolar disorder I, so kita term as hypomanic episodes. There is a pattern. 1 week hypomanic episodes, 2 week depressive episodes. Okay sekarang ni, apa beza MANIC dan DEPRESSIVE episodes?
Manic episodes:
"A distinct period when the mood is abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood, increase goal-directed activity or energy, lasting at least 1 week, present nearly everyday." Maksudnya tiba-tiba je ada elevated dalam mood sampai semua benda nak buat. Grandiosity (Keghairahan), ubah cara penampilan, style, inflated self esteem. Kurang perlukan tidur, basically you will become active sepanjang masa sampai rasa taknak tidur. Terlalu excited. More talkactive than usual. Dan biasanya orang kaitkan dengan scenario contohnya kalau dapat gaji, the person boleh habiskan gaji dia dalam masa sehari. Berbelanja untuk unnecessary things.
Depressive episodes:
Sama macam depression, yang ambil masa at least 2 weeks. Boleh refer DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for depression.
- Refer this link for detailed explanation :
4) Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Borderline personality disorder ni basically bagi kesan macam mana someone tu fikir dan rasa pasal diri sendiri, dan sampai mempengaruhi kehidupan seharian. "It includes self-image issues, dificulty managing emotions and behavior, and a pattern of unstable relationship". Boleh jadi, faktor orang sekeliling jadi sebab untuk BPD ni, insecurity, selalu overthinking apa yang orang fikir pasal kita, rasa bersalah yang melampau. Even a slightest issue pun boleh trigger the mood. For this one, I suggest you to meet a psychologist. Sebab psychotherapy is more efficient compared to ambil ubat.
- Refer this link for more information :
5) Schizophrenia
Aku rasa ramai tak tahu pasal term Schizophrenia ni. Schizophrenia is best defined by "split mind" which contain two main psychotic phenomena; hallucinations and delusions. Risk factors? Boleh jadi from genetic, kalau both parents ada Schizo, chance untuk anak ada adalah tinggi sebanyak 45%. Next, of course the neurotransmitters involved. Biasanya dopamine, serotonin, GABA, norepinephrine. Okay lah ni apa yang aku belajar masa sem lepas untuk subject psychiatric. Ini just brief explanation je okay so untuk pathophysiology takyah laaaa cerita. So Schizophrenia ada dua, positive symptoms and negative symptoms.
Untuk positive symptoms, ada halusinasi dan delusion. Halusinasi ni contoh macam tetiba nampak/dengar/rasa something yang unreal. It is not there tapi you can see it. Delusion pulaaa macam paranoid, false belief. Contohnya rasa ada FBI nak datang tangkap, atau rasa ada orang nak bunuh atau intip setiap pergerakan. Haa lebih kurang laa macam ni. Sebenarnya tu mainan fikiran sebab imbalance neurotransmitter ni lah, specifically dekat bahagian mesolimbic pathway (dopaminergic pathway). Lagi satu, disorganized speech. Contohnya cerita pasal topik nak beli kuih, tetiba masuk topik nak beli rumah. cOnToHHHHH. Macam takde pattern dan connection masa bercerita.
Untuk negative symptoms, affects psychomotor retardation. Maksudnya, kurang pergerakan fizikal, emosi dan ucapan. "Affective flattening" common term used to describe person with Schizophrenia. Maksudnya, orang tu kurang ada emotion expression. Kita tak boleh teka dia happy ke, sedih ke, basically kurang ungkapan. He or she may not react at all to circumstances that usually evoke strong emotions in others. Next, lack of interest, amotivation/lack of motivation. Kurang involve dengan society. I've visited psychiatric ward before, and to my surprise, people with Schizophrenia is quite common dalam ward tu.
- Refer this link for more information :
- Also refer this link for DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia :
It breaks my heart whenever I see people struggling with their mental health problem. I wish i can hug and comfort those people. I have nothing much to say, but I wish you to have a happy life ahead and may you have a wonderful life without worries. Trust me, you won't be forever in the "dark" world. Not forever. I'm proud of you because you've survived until this day, and tomorrow and forever. Surround yourself with good people, good vibes. I wish He, The Almighty takes your pain away and give you a very meaningful moments. Don't be sad. A lot of people want you to be happy. You are loved by many. You are going to be okay.
"The only person without stress is a dead person" - Hans Selye (Father of stress research)
20/8/2019 -- 4:47 AM
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